Building Knowledge. Building Faith. Building Community.
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The creed describes what Timothy Christian School stands for. It outlines what we confess about Life, The Bible, Creation, Humanity, Sin, Jesus Christ, The Kingdom of God, and our role in the kingdom as Educators, Parents, Students, and the Christian School.
At Timothy Christian School, tuition is paid by the parents of the students enrolled in the school.
At TCS, tuition is paid for by the parents of the students enrolled in the school. Our tuition is a family- based rate.
At this time, bussing is not available to our families. Parents and grandparents drive the children to and from school each day; many families carpool together.
At Timothy Christian School, Kindergarten is like the rock that the rest of the student learning is built on.
At TCS, French is taught at all levels, from Kindergarten to Grade 8. We have a Core French Program and an Extended French Program.
Three times per year, the students in Grades 3-8 complete an online testing that assesses their skills in Language and Math. The assessment adapts individually to each student and gives a picture of what the student is able to do and what they are ready to learn.
Music is an important part of Timothy Christian School. It is taught in all grades, and each grade takes turns to lead worship during our weekly Chapel time altogether.
– TCS Parent